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2021/04/04 06:54am

ANR/ABF Dating Sites - Dating Sites Reviews (1)

Not Jake from State Farm


I need to update,
ABF Singles:
I see that ABF singles has finally gotten around to updating their site to improve their functionality, so now it almost like ANRelationships (both sites have the same DNA but owned by totally different entities) with a lot less features, and you can't send any free messages on ABF singles anymore, you have to paid a fee now for everything.

ANRelationships has teamed with Cinefanz:
There is a new site for those people that like posting lactation pictures and videos and want to monetize them called Cinefanz so if you got original content and want to get paid for it post it there, really you can post whatever you want as long as it's doesn't violate the Cinefanz site rules, it's open to all adults over 18+ only. you don't have to be a member of Anrelationships to join Cinefanz which is open to everyone no matter where they may have a profile posted.
ANRelationships still has free message posting for free members.

Has reduced site message storage to not more than 3 months. doing some changes to the site member map. added a couple of features like audio-stories you can listen to. and jigsaw puzzle game. still free to post

5 6

2021/04/14 09:33pm

ANR/ABF Dating Sites - Dating Sites Reviews (2)



Quote by: Anonymous

My reviews:

ABF Singles:

This website was alright a few years ago when it was one of the few ANR dating sites. However it has been very poor recently. It is not as active as before. You must also pay to comment or send messages when it was not like that before.

I find the moderation a bit hit and miss. They are really odd. They have this weird thing about "personal information" in statuses (such as usernames for chat apps). You'll find every other status has been edited by a moderator or admin. They say it's to protect your personal info, but in reality they don't want anyone to contact you without paying for membership.

What I do find rather strange is when ANRelationships first opened, the owner/Admin of ABF Singles critisized ANRelationships owner on Fetlife for offering paid memberships. (Something about how men can't run ANR/ABF websites) Yet, these were introduced very soon after onto ABF Singles.

Final verdict: This site is a relic of the past. Most have moved onto other ANR/ABF sites.


Somewhat very similar to ABF Singles interface but with more features. I find the website UI to be inconsistent. The splash page pics look very amatuer as they are all stretched out.

Much like ABF Singles most are inactive. Though you can sort members by activity unlike ABF Singles. In the past you could send a limited number of messages and comment on peoples profiles. You cannot do any of that without paying now. However you can reply to messages recieved by paying members.

The website moderation is very good, and banned profiles are displayed so you can make note of the fake pics people use for future reference.

Final verdict: Better than ABF Singles but loses points for awful cropped images and weird stock images. Inconsistent UI. Many inactive members. Very good moderation.


The newcomer. Started off as completely free. There is a membership fee now. However you can send a limited number of messages for free.

The website UI is very clean and easy to use. It strips back features for a very simple website. No blogs or feeds here. Just profiles.

Quite a few active profiles. However there are many, mang inactive profiles which have obviously been taken from the old website "".

Final verdict: Worth signing up for as you can still message for free. Has spikes of activity as it's a relatively new ABF site.

ABF Heaven:

Vert different from the rest. A very basic forum style website that is 100% free to use. There is a real community aspect on here which I like. This is by far the most active ABF website right now.

Moderation is ok. It's done by a single person but I've not come across any fakes.

The bad thing is the website does not send out any email notifications so you find yourself logging in constantly which can be annoying.

My verdict: Join! It's completely free! But bear in mind you have to keep logging in to see your notifications.

I would just like to correct a few statements made about what was said on fetlife. I said historically websites in our lifestyle owned by men have failed. Mainly because they become sausage fests. (See we all used to know each other and talk) Also, another competing now defunct ANR/ABF male website owner commented supporting my statement as his was then failing. In addition I did encourage any growth (including competitors) to help our community and lifestyle grow. Us old timers realize distance has always been an issue. Only one way to overcome that...more people.

Secondly, I did not criticize him for offering paid membership.. I criticized him for only be in it to make money vs being in it to build the community, to which he openly and repeated on fetlife he was only in it for the money. Vastly different in my opinion. My websites have had paid memberships since 2012.

Yeah Yeah I have commented here before..yes you are welcome to not agree with the guidelines we have created and built over the years (also copied by above mentioned other sites) but both of my sites have very high Alexa rankings (a clue to hosting costs) which I use to not just gauge my business success but also to comply with the GDPR, California 's Online Privacy regulations and every other additional countries new regulations they come up with as I am required to as a business. On adult sites yes..publicly personal identifiable information (anything someone can stalk you with) is not permitted....legally.... Guess what!?!? The GDPR has a regulation on the table about requiring all adult sites to have member submit a legal ID to be verified before acceptance. See once and if, these other sites get high enough on the Alexa ranking...same boat or pay fines that could easily add up to six figures... So carry on with the complaints and I will carry on keeping up the legal changes and everything else it takes not just for my business but the community I have been working to support and grow for a decade. I would really love to see the distance gap overcome in my lifetime.


P.S. yeah you can also go post this on the wordpress site.. the blog about this site on that one shows up in a google search as it doesn't have security and all users are visible. I take pride in is protecting the privacy of our members.

4 0

2021/04/14 09:41pm

ANR/ABF Dating Sites - Dating Sites Reviews (3)



Quote by: Anonymous

I need to update,
ABF Singles:
I see that ABF singles has finally gotten around to updating their site to improve their functionality, so now it almost like ANRelationships (both sites have the same DNA but owned by totally different entities) with a lot less features, and you can't send any free messages on ABF singles anymore, you have to paid a fee now for everything.

ANRelationships has teamed with Cinefanz:
There is a new site for those people that like posting lactation pictures and videos and want to monetize them called Cinefanz so if you got original content and want to get paid for it post it there, really you can post whatever you want as long as it's doesn't violate the Cinefanz site rules, it's open to all adults over 18+ only. you don't have to be a member of Anrelationships to join Cinefanz which is open to everyone no matter where they may have a profile posted.
ANRelationships still has free message posting for free members.

Has reduced site message storage to not more than 3 months. doing some changes to the site member map. added a couple of features like audio-stories you can listen to. and jigsaw puzzle game. still free to post

My old software company was bought out by the same company that the other website you mentioned uses. We couldn't get software updates for a long time without redoing the entire site. It was not my choice to have the same software.

Thanks for the breakdown on what the other one is doing. I have been working to get this lifestyle separated from being perceived as p*rn. Others have lumped it right in there. Everyone has a right to have their own business model. One day I hope to not need to explain it's not p*rn it's about healing, spirituality and true intimacy....building a bond like no other.

A girl can dream...

2 1

2021/04/16 06:06am

ANR/ABF Dating Sites - Dating Sites Reviews (4)

Not Jake from State Farm


Quote by: Anonymous

Quote by: Anonymous

I need to update,
ABF Singles:
I see that ABF singles has finally gotten around to updating their site to improve their functionality, so now it almost like ANRelationships (both sites have the same DNA but owned by totally different entities) with a lot less features, and you can't send any free messages on ABF singles anymore, you have to paid a fee now for everything.

ANRelationships has teamed with Cinefanz:
There is a new site for those people that like posting lactation pictures and videos and want to monetize them called Cinefanz so if you got original content and want to get paid for it post it there, really you can post whatever you want as long as it's doesn't violate the Cinefanz site rules, it's open to all adults over 18+ only. you don't have to be a member of Anrelationships to join Cinefanz which is open to everyone no matter where they may have a profile posted.
ANRelationships still has free message posting for free members.

Has reduced site message storage to not more than 3 months. doing some changes to the site member map. added a couple of features like audio-stories you can listen to. and jigsaw puzzle game. still free to post

My old software company was bought out by the same company that the other website you mentioned uses. We couldn't get software updates for a long time without redoing the entire site. It was not my choice to have the same software.

Thanks for the breakdown on what the other one is doing. I have been working to get this lifestyle separated from being perceived as p*rn. Others have lumped it right in there. Everyone has a right to have their own business model. One day I hope to not need to explain it's not p*rn it's about healing, spirituality and true intimacy....building a bond like no other.

A girl can dream...

Thanks for the update and good to see the site updated:

What most people don't understand is that the paid sites have much more of a legal obligation to members than a free site to protect members info they also have to follow the rules of the countries that they are doing business in to do transactions. you'll notice that the free site usually don't have anything to guard against being viewed by minors, or cookie warnings or anything about GDRP, no privacy, terms of services pages, that all paid site have. also they can shut down at anytime since they have no obligations to the site members, while paid site have a obligation to it's paid members.

A lot of the free site are more of a passion project where the owners are usually also dating the members (not all free sites but some) not saying it doesn't happen on paid site also but it's not the motivating factor for having the site and keeping it running which is why most male owned free site die off once the owner get tired of dating or finds someone and the need is no longer there.

Also about the ANRelationship site, people can use the site for free to contact members but it has restrictions on who you can have full access with, for example any free member can freely contact a paid member (Send, Read and Reply to messages), no problem, so as long as a free member is only contacting a paid member no issues but there is a 25 message limit for that free member. free members do not have access to all site features.

Free members can send messages to other free members, but to be able to read and reply to the message you have to be a paid member, so free members can send messages to anyone on site no matter their membership level, but only paid members can read and reply to them.

Paid members have full site access, they can send, read and reply to everyone no matter what their membership level is and all membership levels can also send, read and reply to paid members. this gives the greater advantage to paid members over free members in making more contacts since they have full access to everyone.

2 2

2021/04/19 03:52pm

ANR/ABF Dating Sites - Dating Sites Reviews (5)



I started as a passion project. ...

I miss being just a passion project. Things were simple.

I have to wear two hats now; one business and the other my personal passion. The business one is in charge most of the time. The passion one spends most of her time duct taped up in the trunk so she cannot voice her opinion on so so many things (it comes out on cam in the chat rooms sometimes). I just really do not like being miss quoted, especially in the context of a conversation where I was defending women being objectified and I see it turned against me.

I do thank you for honestly reviewing the sites. It is useful to have for all of the sites.

Before you post it... yes singles needs another update! I know. I’m super not happy with this new company. They have horrible reviews and took my site down for 10 days. It will happen but Connections first. Singles birthday is June... maybe new software?!? We shall see.

4 0

2021/05/08 06:16pm

ANR/ABF Dating Sites - Dating Sites Reviews (6)

Not Jake from State Farm


ABF Singles:
Nothing really new since their last site update. last site news update was almost two years ago
Still chugging along,

ANR Connection:
Nothing new, the forum is very slow hasn't had a post in about two years, Blogs are a little more active than the forum.
Still chugging along.

Now have a PWA (progressive web app) which let you place their web app on your devices.

ABF Heaven:
Sites look like it's going to get a server upgrade, they are starting to have major functionality issues with not being to access site and connecting to database really intermittent at this time but will only get worse until they get their upgrade. (since this is a free site they depend on donations so upgrades are slow since it isn't free to do server upgrades so they have to wait until enough donations are made.)

Shutdown of the chat section, it was causing extreme server loading issues, maybe once they change servers they can bring this feature back.

Stopped with email notifications because of these issues so you don't get emails whenever someone tries to contact you, maybe this will be corrected with the upgrade.

Seems the forum and puzzle section are popular site features.

Has a new thing called the ANR/ABF Refugee program, where if you are a current member of these sites.
ABFsingles, MilksweetMilk, ABFheaven or ANRconnections they are giving a free 7 day upgrade to VIP member status to new members just for joining, to get the upgrade you have to use the same username you use on those sites and you must select in the registration which site you are a refugee from which they will check to view your profile on that site for confirmation, once confirmed you get the upgrade. you must notify ANRelationship support after you join them to let them know you are a refugee by sending them a message saying you joined, and your username, I believe this will be valid from 5/7/2021 to 5/15/2021, they did this back in April so this is the second time they are making this offer.

Anrelationships added a new way to be matched by political leanings in their matchmaker section: so it makes it easier to find people for a match if political leanings are important to you.

1 10

2021/08/06 10:39am

ANR/ABF Dating Sites - Dating Sites Reviews (7)



i dont know why 'jake' speaks in third person about anrelationships.

he is the owner of anrelationships

everyone on fetlife was tired of his constant advertising of his website so he kept on making new accounts

he even posed as a trans person to try and advertise the website as another user which i find very strange

he does the same thing on reddit whenever someone create a new anr abf website. he jumps into the topic to advertise his website

he pops up like crab grass in every single anr abf related website

really desperate of him

13 3

2021/08/25 04:03pm

ANR/ABF Dating Sites - Dating Sites Reviews (8)

Status: offline


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Registered: 2019/08/20

Posts: 5

Guess again Bertfrombrum,
It's a hoot reading your post, maybe you should also check out twitter you forgot to name that one, the deal is this you most likely have or had a profile on the ANRelationships site, and if you haven't you should it has a lot to offer, now yes it's not a totally free site, most are not, but have you ever wonder why the same people that are on a free site are willing to also be on any paid site, that should tell you that it offers something the free site does not that they are willing to paid to access. but whatever those reasons are it something they consider as value added.

How did you find your way here, was it a post somewhere, seems whatever way you got here it worked,
And that's all that really matters.

1 4

2021/08/28 01:06pm

ANR/ABF Dating Sites - Dating Sites Reviews (9)



I see you've remembered your login details

Your reply has nothing to do with what I said. I never mentioned anything about your website being paid.

You have once again created another persona on fetlife under the name "Aquaboogie". Very strange how they are directing users to all your other websites! Now why would anyone do that? If they are a fan of anrelationships then sure, but the fact that user is also directing people to tsrelationships and 420armour (two other websites operated by you) makes it pretty damn obvious.

I am not on your website as there are better free alternatives now out there now.

I dont have a problem with paid websites I used to pay in the past when there weren't many ABF sites out there.

7 1

2021/09/14 09:12pm

ANR/ABF Dating Sites - Dating Sites Reviews (10)



The post you're talking about on Fetlife lists at least five ANR/ABF sites, with no links to any of them, so are you saying the sites are owned by the same person. last I looked ABF Heaven is owned by a guy name Michael in the UK and ABF Singles and ANR connections is owned by a lady that posted here. what about Milksweetmilk you're casting a board net that is full of holes.

Also the person has profiles on those sites so they listed the sites they have profiles on, do you have a problem when people link their Onlyfans, p*rnhub or Manyvids page on their Fetlife profile so you can go pay to view their pictures and videos, it seems two thirds of the women do that on Fetlife.

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ANR/ABF Dating Sites - Dating Sites Reviews (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Views: 5537

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.