The Complete Guide to 24/7 Support - Freshdesk (2024)

Dive into the intricacies of 24/7 customer support and how it can be leveraged to provide a competitive advantage for your organization in 2024 and beyond.

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The Complete Guide to 24/7 Support - Freshdesk (1)The Complete Guide to 24/7 Support - Freshdesk (2)

24/7 support is a customer service strategy that involves assisting around the clock, 365 days a year. This means that no matter what time zone your customers are in, or what day of the week it is, they will always be able to reach someone who can help them with their issue.

While building a 24/7 support team might seem daunting, this comprehensive guide will show you exactly how to implement a successful model. We'll walk you through every step of the process, making it easy to ensure your customers are always supported.

What is 24/7 customer support?

Designed to provide uninterrupted assistance to your customers, 365 days a year, 24/7 customer support transcends geographical boundaries and time zones. This round-the-clock approach ensures that regardless of location or circ*mstance, your customers have a dedicated channel to address their concerns and receive timely resolutions.

Here are some core aspects of 24/7 customer support:

  • Always-on availability: The hallmark of 24/7 support is its constant accessibility. Customers can reach out for assistance through various channels, be it phone, live chat, email, or even social media, at any time of the day or night.

  • Omnichannel approach: 24/7 support leverages a variety of communication channels to cater to diverse customer preferences. Some may prefer the personalized touch of a phone call, while others might find the convenience of live chat or self-service options more appealing.

  • Prioritized issue resolution: Timely resolution is paramount in 24/7 support. By offering around-the-clock assistance, you minimize the disruption caused by customer issues and expedite the resolution process.

  • Emphasis on proactive support: 24/7 customer support isn't solely reactive. A well-designed strategy also incorporates proactive measures like anticipating customer needs and providing them with relevant resources or FAQs.

Types of 24/7 support

Delivering exceptional 24/7 customer support requires a strategic mix of channels that cater to diverse customer preferences and issue complexity. Here's a breakdown of the most common types of 24/7 support channels, along with their strengths and considerations:


Phone support offers a direct line of communication with a live customer service representative. Customers can verbally explain their issues, receive real-time guidance, and benefit from the personalized touch of human interaction.

Live chat and chatbots

Live chat and chatbots provide real-time online support through a chat window embedded on your website or app. Live chat connects customers with human agents, while chatbots utilize AI-powered responses to address basic inquiries or direct customers to relevant resources.

  • Strengths:

    • Offers a convenient and fast way for customers to get answers or initiate support requests.

    • Live chat allows real-time interaction with human agents for more complex issues.

    • Chatbots can provide 24/7 availability for basic inquiries and troubleshooting steps.

  • Considerations:

    • Live chat effectiveness depends on agent availability during off-peak hours.

    • Complex issues might require escalation to phone support for further assistance.

    • Chatbot effectiveness hinges on proper training and integration with your knowledge base.

Self service

Self-service delegates customers to find solutions independently through a comprehensive knowledge base, FAQs, tutorials, or video guides. Resources that are readily available on your website or app, allow customers to access information and potentially resolve issues at their own pace.

  • Strengths:

    • Cost-effective way to address frequently asked questions and provide readily accessible solutions.

    • Empowers customers and fosters a sense of self-sufficiency.

    • Offers 24/7 availability of informational resources for customer reference.

  • Considerations:

    • Content in the knowledge base and FAQs needs to be well-organized, up-to-date, and easy to navigate.

    • Complex issues might not be effectively addressed through self-service resources alone.

    • Requires an investment in creating and maintaining high-quality content.

Automated options

Automated support utilizes technology to streamline specific tasks or provide immediate solutions without human intervention. This can include automated password resets, account verification processes, or basic troubleshooting guides triggered by customer actions.

  • Strengths:

    • Cost-effective way to handle repetitive tasks and offer immediate solutions for common issues.

    • Improves efficiency and reduces wait times for customers.

    • Can be available 24/7 to address basic inquiries and provide initial support.

  • Considerations:

    • Limited to handling pre-programmed tasks and may not be suitable for complex customer issues.

    • Can feel impersonal to customers who might prefer human interaction for problem resolution.

    • Requires careful design and integration to avoid a frustrating customer experience.

Why should you offer 24/7 support?

Implementing a 24/7 customer support strategy can yield significant benefits for both your customers and your business. Here are some compelling reasons to consider offering around-the-clock support:

Enhance customer satisfaction and retention

  • Prompt issue resolution: 24/7 support ensures customers can get help whenever they encounter a problem, minimizing frustration and downtime. This responsiveness fosters a sense of value and builds trust, leading to higher customer satisfaction.

  • Proactive approach: A well-designed 24/7 strategy can go beyond reactive support. By anticipating customer needs and providing relevant resources readily available, they can solve minor issues independently, further enhancing their experience.

  • Reduced customer churn: Satisfied customers are loyal customers. By addressing their concerns promptly and efficiently, 24/7 support can significantly reduce customer churn and encourage repeat business.

Customer-first experience

  • Global reach: Transcend geographical barriers with 24/7 support , which allows you to cater to customers in different time zones and ensure they receive assistance regardless of location.

  • Cater to diverse preferences: Offer a multi-channel approach, providing options like phone, live chat, email, or self-service portals to cater to individual preferences and ensure accessibility for all.

  • Increased convenience: Eliminates the need to wait for business hours, fostering a sense of flexibility and improving the overall customer experience.

Reduce employee workload

  • Streamlined issue resolution: 24/7 support can deflect simple inquiries to self-service options or chatbots, freeing up your customer service team to focus on more complex issues that require human intervention.

  • Improved efficiency: Customers can choose the most efficient method for their needs by offering multiple support channels. This reduces wait times and allows your team to handle inquiries more efficiently.

  • Reduced after-hours support needs: A well-designed 24/7 strategy, incorporating self-service options and automated solutions, can minimize the need for extensive after-hours staffing, potentially reducing labor costs.

Better ROI

  • Increased customer lifetime value: Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat customers and spend more with your business. 24/7 support fosters customer loyalty, leading to a higher customer lifetime value and increased revenue.

  • Reduced customer churn: Retaining existing customers is significantly cheaper than acquiring new ones. By minimizing customer churn through exceptional service, 24/7 support contributes to a positive impact on your bottom line.

  • Improved brand reputation: Providing exceptional customer service builds brand loyalty and strengthens your reputation. Positive word-of-mouth recommendations and online reviews can attract new customers and enhance your brand image (and growth).

How do you know if your business needs to provide 24/7 support?

While 24/7 customer support offers a multitude of benefits, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Before implementing a round-the-clock strategy, it's crucial to assess your specific business needs and customer base. Remember, the goal is to create a sustainable and cost-effective strategy that delivers exceptional customer experiences and strengthens your brand in the long run. Here are some key considerations to help you decide:

Analyze your customer base

  • Global reach: Do you have a global customer base spread across different time zones? If so, 24/7 support becomes essential to ensure prompt assistance regardless of location.

  • Customer behavior: Understanding your customer behavior is key. Do they frequently encounter issues outside of business hours? Analyzing customer support inquiries can reveal peak hours and identify if there's a need for extended support coverage.

  • Customer preferences: How do your customers prefer to receive support? Are they comfortable with self-service options, or do they require the personalized touch of phone support? Understanding these preferences will help determine the most effective channels for your 24/7 strategy.

Evaluate your business model

  • Industry standards: Certain industries, like e-commerce or technology, have a higher expectation of 24/7 support. Consider industry benchmarks and customer expectations within your specific sector.

  • Business impact of downtime: For businesses where downtime translates to lost revenue (e.g., online sales platforms), 24/7 support becomes more critical to ensure uninterrupted service and customer satisfaction.

  • Resource availability: Implementing 24/7 support requires additional resources, including staffing or investment in technology like chatbots. Carefully evaluate your budget and resource constraints before making a decision.

Weigh the costs and benefits

  • Cost analysis: Factor in the cost of staffing a 24/7 team, potential technology investments, and training requirements. Compare these costs against the potential benefits like increased customer satisfaction, reduced churn, and improved brand reputation.

  • Start small and scale up: You don't have to implement a full-fledged 24/7 operation from the start. Consider piloting extended support hours or offering live chat during peak times to assess the impact. You can then scale up based on customer demand and business needs.

Best practices for providing 24/7 customer service

Delivering exceptional 24/7 customer support requires a well-defined strategy and commitment to continuous improvement. Here are some key practices to consider:

Prioritize strong self-service options

Customers should be able to find solutions independently by investing in a comprehensive knowledge base, FAQs, tutorials, or video guides. Make sure these resources are well-organized, up-to-date, and easily searchable to deflect simple inquiries and empower customer self-sufficiency.

Provide proper training and resources

Provide your service team members with thorough training on your products, services, and troubleshooting procedures. Equip them with the necessary resources, including knowledge base access, customer data, and communication tools, to effectively resolve customer issues efficiently.

Leverage AI

Explore the potential of AI-powered chatbots to streamline your 24/7 support. Chatbots can answer frequently asked questions, provide basic troubleshooting steps, or direct customers to relevant resources, freeing up your human agents for more complex issues.

Create accessible service on multiple channels

Offer a multi-channel approach to cater to diverse customer preferences. This may include phone support, live chat, email, or social media options. Ensure consistent messaging and service quality across all channels to provide a seamless customer experience.

Use the right tools for your team

Invest in the right technology to support your 24/7 operation, like ticketing systems to manage and track customer inquiries, knowledge base software for self-service content creation, and collaboration tools to facilitate communication internally.

Create and use strategy playbooks

Develop standardized procedures and troubleshooting guides (playbooks) for common customer issues. These playbooks equip your support team with consistent approaches and best practices, ensuring efficient and accurate issue resolution regardless of the service agent assisting the customer.

Continually measure and adapt to metrics

Track key metrics such as customer satisfaction scores, resolution times, and average wait times. Analyze this data to identify areas for improvement and adapt your strategy accordingly. Regularly monitor customer feedback to understand their needs and ensure your 24/7 support offering remains relevant and effective.

How to optimize support operations to provide 24/7 customer service efficiently?

H3: The transition to 24/7 customer support can be jarring, but with careful planning and strategic optimization, you can deliver exceptional service around the clock without sacrificing efficiency. Here's a high level guide you through the process:

H3: 1. Analyze your current operations:

Before diving in, assess your existing customer support landscape. Identify peak support hours, common customer inquiries, and your current resolution times. This data will inform your staffing needs and areas for improvement when structuring your 24/7 strategy.

H3: 2. Define your service channels:

Not every business needs to offer all support channels 24/7. Consider your budget, customer preferences, and the complexity of your product or service. A well-rounded approach might include a combination of phone support during peak hours, live chat for real-time assistance, and self-service options like FAQs and knowledge bases for around-the-clock accessibility.

H3: 3. Leverage technology:

Technology is your ally in providing efficient 24/7 support. Invest in a robust ticketing system to streamline issue tracking and resolution. Explore AI-powered chatbots to answer basic inquiries and deflect simple issues, freeing up your human agents for complex problems. Utilize knowledge base software to create a comprehensive library of self-service resources readily available to your customers.

H3: 4. Build a skilled support team:

Staffing a 24/7 operation requires careful consideration. Evaluate options like hiring full-time employees for core business hours, supplemented by part-time staff or remote agents during off-peak times. Prioritize training on your products, services, troubleshooting procedures, and exceptional customer service practices.

H3: 5. Develop clear communication protocols:

Establish clear communication protocols to ensure consistent and high-quality service across all channels. This includes developing standardized responses to frequently asked questions, outlining escalation procedures for complex issues, and maintaining a consistent brand voice throughout all customer interactions.

H3: 6. Measure and adapt:

In addition to tracking key indicators like customer satisfaction scores, resolution times, and average wait times, make a point to be open to customer feedback and use it to refine your service channels, content, or training programs to continuously enhance the customer experience.

Best practices to follow if you don’t offer 24/7 support

While 24/7 customer support offers strong benefits, it's only sometimes a feasible option for some businesses. If you've decided not to implement a round-the-clock model, here are some best practices to ensure your customers still receive exceptional service during your operational hours:

  • Clearly communicate your support hours: Transparency is key. Prominently display your customer support hours on your website, social media pages, and marketing materials. Consider offering multiple time zones if you have a global customer base.

  • Set expectations for response times: Let your customers know how long they can expect to wait for a response during business hours. This could be an estimated response time for email inquiries or an average wait time for phone support.

  • Offer multiple support channels: Even with limited hours, provide options for customers to reach you. This may include phone support, email ticketing systems, or live chat during business hours.

  • Prioritize self-service: A robust self-service portal empowers customers to find solutions independently. Invest in a comprehensive knowledge base, FAQs, and well-organized resources to address common issues and deflect simple inquiries.

  • Utilize automated responses: For inquiries outside of business hours, consider setting up automated email responses acknowledging receipt of the message and outlining your support hours. You can also offer self-service options or FAQs within the automated response.

  • Respond promptly during business hours: When your support team is available, prioritize prompt and efficient responses to customer inquiries. This demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and builds trust.

  • Offer extended support during peak periods: If you experience a surge in customer inquiries during specific times, explore offering extended support hours during those peak periods. This can help minimize customer frustration and demonstrate responsiveness to their needs.

Offer your customers 24/7 support with Freshdesk!

Transitioning to a 24/7 customer support strategy can be a significant endeavor for any business. Fortunately, Freshdesk offers an easy and user-friendly suite of tools and features designed to make this transition smoother for your team. Here’s how Freshdesk can make a positive impact on customer satisfaction and streamline operations:

  1. Efficient ticket management: Freshdesk's intuitive ticketing system ensures that customer inquiries, issues, and requests are organized and prioritized effectively. This allows your support team to stay on top of incoming requests, regardless of the time they are submitted.

  2. Automation for productivity: Automate repetitive tasks such as ticket routing, responses, and workflows. This not only boosts productivity but also ensures that customers receive timely assistance even during non-business hours.

  3. Delegate self-service options to customers: Freshdesk empowers customers to find solutions independently through knowledge bases, FAQs, and community forums. By offering self-service options, you can reduce the dependency on live support agents, particularly during off-peak hours.

  4. Support across multiple channels: Freshdesk’s advanced offering, the Customer Service Suite, supports various communication channels, including email, chat, social media, and phone. This means your customers can reach out for assistance through their preferred channel at any time, day or night.

  5. AI-powered chatbots for instant support: Chatbots, by Freshchat, can handle basic inquiries, gather necessary information, and escalate complex issues to human agents when needed, ensuring uninterrupted support.

  6. Insights for continuous improvement: Provide valuable insights into support performance, response times, resolution rates, and customer satisfaction levels. These insights enable you to continually refine and optimize your 24/7 support strategy.

  7. Mobile accessibility for flexibility: Respond to customer inquiries on-the-go, ensuring round-the-clock coverage and timely resolution of critical issues, regardless of their location.

Ready to make the change to 24/7 customer support? Sign up for free and see the difference Freshworks can make for your current customer support strategy.


What is 24/7 customer support, and why is it important for businesses?

24/7 customer support refers to providing assistance and resolving queries for customers around the clock, ensuring help is available whenever they need it. It's crucial for businesses as it demonstrates a commitment to customer service excellence and can differentiate them in a competitive market. A 24/7 customer support team can be a big competitive advantage for most businesses that want to provide world-class customer care.

How does offering 24/7 support improve customer satisfaction and loyalty?

Offering 24/7 support enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing timely assistance, regardless of time zones or business hours, fostering a sense of reliability and trust in the brand's responsiveness to customer needs.

What communication channels are typically used for 24/7 customer support?

Communication channels commonly used for 24/7 customer support include email, live chat, phone support, social media messaging, and self-service portals, ensuring customers have various options to reach out for assistance at any time.

What technologies or tools are essential for managing 24/7 support efficiently?

Essential technologies and tools for managing 24/7 support efficiently include robust help desk software like Freshdesk, AI-powered chatbots for instant responses, ticketing systems for organizing inquiries, and automation tools to streamline workflows and processes.

How do businesses ensure consistent quality and responsiveness in 24/7 support?

Businesses ensure consistent quality and responsiveness in 24/7 support by implementing thorough training programs for support agents, establishing clear escalation procedures, regularly monitoring performance metrics, and gathering customer feedback to improve service delivery continuously.

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The Complete Guide to 24/7 Support - Freshdesk (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.