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22 nov 2020
- Espanhol (México)
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22 nov 2020
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- Inglês (EUA)
Quality Point(s): 86268
Respostas: 13850
Número de joinhas: 12228
They mean the same thing, but awaiting is a transitive verb (you must have direct object) and waiting is an intransitive verb (does not require a direct object).
"Where is that bus? I hate waiting."
"We were awaiting the bus when it began to rain."
"The Queen kept us waiting."
"We were awaiting the Queen's arrival for an hour."
Of course, you can use "waiting" with an object.
"I am waiting for the bus."
But you can't use awaiting without an object.
"I just stood on the corner awaiting." -No. You can't say this.
Also, awaiting is more formal and much less common.
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22 nov 2020
- Inglês (EUA)
Quality Point(s): 86268
Respostas: 13850
Número de joinhas: 12228
They mean the same thing, but awaiting is a transitive verb (you must have direct object) and waiting is an intransitive verb (does not require a direct object).
"Where is that bus? I hate waiting."
"We were awaiting the bus when it began to rain."
"The Queen kept us waiting."
"We were awaiting the Queen's arrival for an hour."
Of course, you can use "waiting" with an object.
"I am waiting for the bus."
But you can't use awaiting without an object.
"I just stood on the corner awaiting." -No. You can't say this.
Also, awaiting is more formal and much less common.
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22 nov 2020
- Espanhol (México)
Quality Point(s): 2
Respostas: 149
Número de joinhas: 151
- Report copyright infringement
22 nov 2020
- Espanhol (México)
Quality Point(s): 2
Respostas: 149
Número de joinhas: 151
- Report copyright infringement
22 nov 2020
- Espanhol (México)
Quality Point(s): 2
Respostas: 149
Número de joinhas: 151
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- Qual é a diferença entre waiting e awaiting ?
- Qual é a diferença entre awaiting e waiting ?
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